In the current context of rapid urbanization affordability of housing,
not only in money terms, but also in terms of the environmental impact, is a
growing concern.
There is a tug of war between the environment and development, with
spatial exclusion and social segregation emerging as universal phenomena,
affecting even developed countries. Design helps to achieve more with
significantly less: better use of ‘human’ resources (intelligence, knowledge,
time) can prevent depletion and deterioration of other natural resources. The
key to building an affordable future is surely education; and not only
increasing access to formal education, but prioritizing lifestyle issues and
consumption patterns. We have to learn to discriminate between the necessary
and the superfluous, so that cities not only survive, but thrive.
This course was an opportunity to envision ‘Urban Eco-Communities’
trough integral rethinking of Architecture and Urban Design in the context of
Auroville (India), both from a theoretical and practical approach, addressing
environmental, social and economic sustainability holistically.
The course was organized around a series of lectures by visiting experts
on new urban visions for diverse related topics and a visit to the site.