
(Photo: Frank Dölling)


"Städte sind räumliche und bauliche Manifestationen gesellschaftlicher Prozesse, die stetem Wandel und fortlaufender Entwicklung unterliegen. Die räumlichen Disziplinen ermöglichen uns, den Dialog zwischen Raum und Nutzer zu gestalten. Wir entwerfen Räume mit Qualitäten, die Nährboden für Aneignung und Interaktion sind. Der Lehrstuhl Stadtplanung und Entwerfen ist die Plattform auf der Städtebau, Architektur und Landschaftsarchitektur integral zusammenwirken.”

The focus of the SuE chair is on the European city and its history, identity and design, on its living and working environments, the changes and its future challenges: How can a city offer quality of life and be home? Which of the existing concepts will be preserved and which will be developed further? To answer these questions, the constructed environment and the urban society are the focus of the analysis, the reflection and the development in teaching and research.

The professorship assumes two positions concerning this: understanding and designing. Understanding means to read the European city, to retrace its development lines and thus to research the feeding ground of future developments. This understanding provides the basis for actively shaping and further developing. The most important tool for this is designing. The design of a city requires an integrated attitude and a broad perspective, which incorporates the special, functional and creative aspects as well as the sociological, economic and ecologic aspects.

Research and development of the chair is concerned with the future tasks of urbanized spaces in the context of the European city in the regional, national and international context. The areas investigated range from urban planning scale to observations concerning the holistic structure of cities and on to regional topics.

More information

Unplanning the Planned. Madrid (Desing Studio)
CHOZO, Humans and Nature in Harmony (Seminar)

Habitando Cosechas. Temporäre Humansiedlungen in Huelva, Spanien. (Desing Studio)
Stadt-Körper-Wasser (Seminar)

Robust. Lebensräume weiterdenken. (Desing Studio)
Probebühne (Seminar)

Porosität - Betrachtungen der performativen Stadt am Beispiel Stuttgart(Design Studio)
SuE going public(Seminar)

Reparare (Desing Studio)

Meine Stadt, Mein Zuhause - Grenzen, Schwellen, Übergänge (Desing Studio)
Wohnen und Stadt - Die städtebauliche Dimension des Wohnens (Seminar)

Chair Professor

Dr. Martina Baum

Studio Urbane Strategien

Assistant Professors

Alba Balmaseda
Sascha Bauer
Lorenz Brugger
Harry Leuter
Jonas Malzahn
Alexander Richert
Ksenija Zujeva

Lehrstuhl für Stadtplanung und Entwerfen (SuE) Städtebau-Institut (SI)

University of Stuttgart


Photo by Philip Mak


Born in La Coruña, Spain, in 1985. Graduated as an architect from the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2010. Granted with the Erasmus program in La Sapienza University of Rome in 2007. Diploma Thesis rated as outstanding and winner of a National Prize in 2011. Secured a Master’s Degree in Advanced Architectural Projects at the Polytechnic University of Madrid in September 2011. 

Combines the practice of architecture with academic research and teaching. Collaborated actively with Irisarri+Piñera Architects, Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas (VIC) and Anupama Kundoo Architects. Developed academic research and teaching at Vastu Shilpa Foundation in Amhedabad, University of Nairobi, Tokyo Wonder Site, University IUAV Venice, KAKD Copenhagen or TU Berlin.

Co-founder of the BarrioBalmaseda studio which ran from 2014 to 2020. Since 2020 she has started a new architectural practice focused on design, teaching and research. Currently Guest Assistant Professor at Stuttgart School of Architecture and Planning and PhD candidate at Roma Tre University Department of Architecture. 


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