Sendagi forms with Yanaka and Nezu the Yanesen district, also known as Shitamachi, a series of neighbourhoods that survived the wars and other disasters in the Metropolis of Tokyo. Sendagi keeps the old morphology of small streets, wooden two-story houses and traditional sanctuaries. Tiny homes have a small piece of garden facing the street where owners use to create an individual green space using plants, trees and pots. Every space is unique and curated. The sum of all the individual gardens configures a diverse but collective green landscape which gives a big identity to the neighbourhood. This research documents and analyses different gardens from Sendagi focusing on the individual and collective greenery aspect. A collage of green individual dreams represents new possibilities of projecting urban green landscape for our cities. A collaboration with Claudia Larcher mixes the traditional Japanese typology with the discovered green treasures.
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Claudia Larcher