

The fading concept of the traditional subject and its attachment to a specific place or lineage as a normative lifestyle, is resulting in a pattern that is much more diverse and multi-articulated. Traditional ways of living are being reinvented due to the societal changes and individual needs.

There are 42% of single households in Tokyo, and the development of the hyper capitalist system is transforming traditional homes into a network of rental domestic services scattered throughout the city.

What does ‘home’ mean for them? Imagine that one day you wake up and all the activities you do in your house become a rental experience.

Outsourced domesticity no longer talks about no­mad minimal houses that can be adapted to any city spot. Culture of access has even dematerialized it into a disconnected home-idea.

The concept of outsourced home revolves around the collection of some paid-for domestic expe­riences scattered throughout the city to build a collage of ideas that show its materiality.

We presented a heterotopic frame of XXI Century homes.


Alba Balmaseda
Esaú Acosta

Image Credits

Alba Balmaseda
Esaú Acosta


Photo by Philip Mak


Born in La Coruña, Spain, in 1985. Graduated as an architect from the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2010. Granted with the Erasmus program in La Sapienza University of Rome in 2007. Diploma Thesis rated as outstanding and winner of a National Prize in 2011. Secured a Master’s Degree in Advanced Architectural Projects at the Polytechnic University of Madrid in September 2011. 

Combines the practice of architecture with academic research and teaching. Collaborated actively with Irisarri+Piñera Architects, Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas (VIC) and Anupama Kundoo Architects. Developed academic research and teaching at Vastu Shilpa Foundation in Amhedabad, University of Nairobi, Tokyo Wonder Site, University IUAV Venice, KAKD Copenhagen or TU Berlin.

Co-founder of the BarrioBalmaseda studio which ran from 2014 to 2020. Since 2020 she has started a new architectural practice focused on design, teaching and research. Currently Guest Assistant Professor at Stuttgart School of Architecture and Planning and PhD candidate at Roma Tre University Department of Architecture. 


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